Photographs of Gettysburg
Taken just after the Battle

The gatehouse at the entrance to Evergreen Cemetery. The cemetery was at
the northern part of a series of hills and slopes extending southward from
Gettysburg, called Cemetery Ridge.
Meade's wrecked headquarters located at the center of Cemetery Ridge, showing
damage from the Rebel cannon barrage that preceded Pickett's charge.
On Little Round Top looking toward Big Round Top, the two hills at the
southern end of Cemetery Ridge.
A view of Little Round Top showing a harsh terrain of rocks and scraggly
A dead Confederate sharp shooter at the foot of Little Round Top.
Near McPherson's Woods, dead Union solders. Retreating Rebels sometimes
took needed gear from fallen Federals, including their shoes. The first
skirmish leading to the Battle of Gettysburg began when Rebels searching
for shoes encountered Union cavalry.
Devil's Den with dead Confederates.
Three Rebel prisoners.
Open field surgery as an amputation is performed at a Union hospital tent.
Wide view of the dedication ceremony, November 19, 1863, four months after
the battle making the battlefield a National Cemetery. President Lincoln
spoke for just two minutes delivering the Gettysburg Address.
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