At Wuerzburg, Germany, Jewish deportees carrying bundles and suitcases
march through town in columns behind Nazi officials riding in an open car. |
The Jews of Wuerzburg were taken by police officials into the Platzscher
Garten hotel. In one room of the hotel, their luggage was inspected by
Gestapo officials and all valuables were confiscated. The luggage was then
taken to a collecting area, from where it would supposedly be taken to
the deportation train. However, the deportees never saw their luggage again.
In a second room, the deportees surrendered all their personal papers
showing ownership of securities and property. They were left only with
their identification cards, watches and wedding rings. In the next room
the deportees underwent body searches for concealed valuables. Even gold
fillings were removed from their teeth. Next, their identification cards
were stamped "evakuiert" [deported].
They were then surrendered to an SS detachment until ready to leave
for the railway station. To facilitate the march through the city and the
boarding of the trains, the deportees were organized into groups led by
Jewish ordners. The transport traveled to Nuremberg, where it was attached
to a larger Judentransport departing for ghettos and concentration camps
in the East.

(Photo credit: U.S. National Archives, courtesy of USHMM
Photo Archives)
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