Mauthausen Liberated May
5, 1945

Survivors and American liberators
gathered on a camp street after the liberation of Mauthausen.
Survivors eagerly pull down the
Nazi eagle over entrance to the Mauthausen concentration camp.
Women and children survivors
in Mauthausen speak to an American liberator through a barbed wire fence.
Inspecting the quarry in Mauthausen
after liberation.
A Soviet honor guard stands before
the "Todesstiege" (The Stairs of Death) in the Mauthausen concentration
camp. Nazis forced prisoners to repeatedly carry heavy granite blocks up
these stairs until they died or were murdered if they failed.
Survivors in Mauthausen open
one of the crematoria ovens for American troops who are inspecting the
(Photo credits: from top, Albert
Abramson Collection, National Archives, Col. Robert Seibel Collection,
Mauthausen Museum Archives, National Archives, Arnold Bauer Barach Collection,
all courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives)
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