A photo identification card, bearing the official stamps of
the Krakow labor office and the General Government, Krakow district, that
was issued to a Polish Jew, Cyrla Rosenzweig, who survived as one of the
Schindler Jews. Below: Kommandant Amon Goeth riding a horse in Plaszow
concentration camp. Goeth was responsible for the liquidation of ghettos
and labor camps in Bochnia, Tarnow, and Krakow, among others. In February
1943 he was appointed kommandant of Plaszow, where he remained until September
1944. After the war he was tried and executed in Krakow.

(Photo credits: Janka Rosenzweig Collection, Prof. Leopold
Pfefferberg-Page Collection, both courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives)
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