Nazi Germany 1933 to 1939
18 Chapters
- Nazis Boycott Jewish
Shops - April 1, 1933
- The Gestapo is Born
- April 26, 1933
- Burning of Books -
May 10, 1933
- Dachau Opens - Spring
of 1933
- Night of the Long Knives
- June 30, 1934
- Hitler Becomes Führer
- August 2, 1934
- Triumph of the Will -
September 1934
- The Nuremberg Laws
- September 15, 1935
- Nazis March into the
Rhineland - March 7, 1936
- The Berlin Olympics
- Summer of 1936
- Hitler Reveals War
Plans - November 5, 1937
- Hitler Becomes Army Commander
- February 1938
- Nazis Take Austria
- March 12, 1938
- Conquest at Munich -
September 1938
- Night of Broken Glass
- November 9, 1938
- Nazis Take Czechoslovakia
- March 15, 1939
- The Nazi-Soviet Pact -
August 23, 1939
- The Last Days of Peace
- Summer of 1939
- Author/Bibliography
III of our Hitler History
The Defeat of Hitler - Quest for a Nazi Empire 1939-45.
See also:
The History Place - World War II in Europe Timeline
The History Place - Holocaust
The History Place - History of the Hitler
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